Saturday, July 20, 2019

Health Tips: Hormones responsible for weight gain in women and ways to control them

Health Tips: Hormones responsible for weight gain in women and ways to control them
Health Tips: Hormones responsible for weight gain in women and ways to control them
To reduce weight, not only is a healthy diet, but also you need to keep your hormones regular because many hormones are also responsible for weight gain in women.  If your hormone is not in balance then it may be difficult to reduce stubborn fat on your body.  Your hormones control important responses and actions like metabolism, swelling, menopause, glucose growth, etc.  A poor hormonal situation can cause stress, aging and poor lifestyle, which are bad metabolism, indigestion, excessive appetite - are ultimately responsible for increasing the weight. Long-term unbalanced hormones can cause obesity-related illnesses. So, let's know which hormones are responsible for increasing your weight and how you can control it.

Thyroid gland, which is present on the basis of your neck. It produces three hormones - T3, T4, and Calcitonin. These hormones control metabolism, sleep, heart rate, brain development etc. Sometimes the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones leading to hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is often associated with weight gain, depression, constipation, fatigue, high blood cholesterol, slow heart rate, etc. 

To control this hormone periodically check is necessary. Avoid consuming raw vegetables.  Eat well-cooked food.  Eat iodized salt. Consume fish oil and vitamin D supplements.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, which helps in carrying glucose in cells that are used as energy or stored in fat. It helps in maintaining the level of glucose in the blood.  Consumption of processed foods, alcohol, artificial sweet drinks, and unhealthy foods can lead to insulin resistance. Which causes weight gain.  To maintain hormone balance, check your blood sugar level and consult your doctor.  Start working 4 hours a week.  Avoid eating processed foods, alcohol, late night snacks, aerated and artificially sweet drinks.

Eat green leafy vegetables, seasonal vegetables (4-5 servings per day), and seasonal fruits (3 servings per day). To improve your omega-3-fatty acid levels, eat fatty fish, nuts, olive oil, flax seeds etc. Eat food that is low in calories (2000-2200 calories) but high in nutrition.  Drink 3-4 liters of water every day.

Under normal circumstances, leptin hormone indicates that your stomach is full and food should be stopped. But excessive intake of sugar products, such as candies, chocolate, some fruits and processed foods, and over supply of fructose body leads to fat accumulation in the liver, which causes throat stomach and other serious conditions.  To keep leptin hormones in control, you need the right rest. Research shows that the decrease of sleep may cause leptin levels to fall. Therefore, make sure you sleep for at least 7-8 hours. 

Avoid sugary foods, do not consume more than 3 fruits per day, eat green leafy vegetables, and eat healthy.  Keep yourself hydrated because dehydration can
also cause you to feel hungry.

Estrogen increases weight in both extreme and lower conditions. To complete the estrogen deficiency, our body starts to find other cells producing estrogen.  They have a cell called Fat Cell, when estrogen levels drop, then our body begins to use all sources of energy from fat to complete the glucose level, which starts weight gain.  Especially in the lower part of the body.  Avoid eating processed meat to maintain its balance.  Buy meat from the local market. Avoid alcohol consumption.  Exercise regularly.  If you are going through menopause then do yoga to stay stress free. 

Eat whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits. Tell your doctor about all lifestyle changes that you are making to maintain your estrogen level.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by adrenal gland (adrenal glands). 
This is secreted when you are suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, nervousness, anger and physically. The main function of the cortisol is regeneration of energy and energy mobilization. Cortisol controls the energy by deciding the type of energy (carb, protein, or fat) by the body to perform a certain function. Cortisol helps in generating energy by transferring fat from "fat cells" to fat stores. Basically, short-term stress (mental, physical, real, or imagined) requires cortisol to handle the reaction. But due to poor lifestyle, your body is constantly in tension situation. This leads to secretion of cortisol, which makes the body hyper cenemic, enhances fat deposits in the intestine, and stimulates the maturation of fat cells. Reduce stress levels to keep it under control. 

To reduce stress, devote an hour to practice deep breathing, yoga and meditation.  Take 7-8 hours of sleep every night.  Avoid alcohol, processed foods, and deep-fried foods.

In addition to this, ghrelin, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin and glucocorticoid hormones also cause weight gain in women.

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