Monday, July 20, 2020

Solution of Class Eight (VIII) English | Unit- Seven | Journalism (First Man on the Moon is No More)

class viii
Solution of Class Eight (VIII) English | Unit- Seven | Journalism (First Man on the Moon is No More)


First Man on the Moon is No More

Ways with words
1. Read the text above and fill in the gaps with correct words given below.
[mankind, selflessly, lose his life, mourn, etched]
a. A modest man entered my room and ……………… helped me.
... Answer:

b. Abhay ……………in a bus accident.
... Answer:
lost his life

c. People from all over the world…… at the death of Neil Armstrong.
... Answer:

d. Tenzing Sherpa …… his name in the history of mountaineering.
... Answer:

e. The literature of Laxmi Prasad Devkota was dedicated to ………….
... Answer:

2. Match the words with their meanings.
  1. astronaut- a person who travels in space

  2. tunnel- a man-made passage under the earth

  3. lunar - relating to the moon

  4. cardiovascular- relating to the heart and blood vessels

  5. aviation- flight
Read and answer
1. Read the text and put the statements in the correct order.
  1. Neil Armstrong said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

  2. Neil Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930.

  3. He had entered the moon from almost a quarter million miles away.

  4. A true American astronaut lost his life at the age of 82.

  5. "When you walk along the way under the full and bright moon, please wink your eyes at it in the name of Neil Armstrong", a bereaved family member expressed at his death.
The correct order is: (according to the text)
  1. Neil Armstrong said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

  2. Neil Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930.

  3. He had entered the moon from almost a quarter million miles away.

  4. A true American astronaut lost his life at the age of 82.

  5. "When you walk along the way under the full and bright moon, please wink your eyes at it in the name of Neil Armstrong", a bereaved family member expressed at his death.
2. Read the text again and answer the following questions.
a. Who was Neil Armstrong?
... Answer:
Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut and the first person to set foot on the moon.

b. When was he born?
... Answer:
He was born on August 5, 1930.

c. Did Neil Armstrong love glamour? Describe his personality.
... Answer:
No, he didn’t. He was a modest and simple person. He never allowed himself to be caught up in the celebrity and glamour.

d. How long did Armstrong spend on the lunar surface?
... Answer:
Armstrong spent nearly three hours on the lunar surface.

e. When did Armstrong first ride in a plane?
... Answer:
Armstrong first rode in a plane at age of 6.

f. What does Armstrong mean when he says 'one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind'?
... Answer:
For Armstrong, his physical step on the lunar surface was very ordinary but the same step represented mankind’s scientific achievements and accomplishments.

3. Read the passage and write 'True' for true and 'False' for false statements.

a. Neil Armstrong proudly and frequently announced his visit to the moon.
... Answer:

b. He was not satisfied with his job.
... Answer:

c. He walked on the moon when he was 39 years old.
... Answer:

d. Neil Armstrong was healthy just before his death.
... Answer:

e. He was a modest and simple person.
... Answer:

Grammar (Reported Speech)
1. Change the following sentences into reported speech.
a. Purna said, "I've done my homework."
... Answer:
Purna said that he had done his homework.

b. Rita said to me, "What's your name?"
... Answer:
Rita asked me what my name was.

c. The teacher said to the students, "Stand up."
... Answer:
The teacher told the students to stand up.

d. The father said to his daughter, "I'm happy with you".
... Answer:
The father told his daughter that he was happy with her.

e. Kamala asked, "Have you finished your homework?"
... Answer:
Kamala asked if I had finished my homework.

2. Now share the ideas and report to each other what your parents tell you.
a. I can lose everything in the world easily; but not you.
... Answer:
My father told me that he could lose everything, but not me.

b. I hope you will fulfil my dream and will be a great person.
... Answer:
My father told me that he hoped I would fulfil his dream and would be a great person.

c. You will raise our name and fame in the near future.
... Answer:
My father told me that I would raise their name and fame in the near future.

d. Respect your elders and love your youngers.
... Answer:
My mother advised me to respect my elders and love my youngers.

e. I think career comes first over others.
... Answer:
My mother told me that she thought career comes first over others.

f. Don't waste your time and money in this way.
... Answer:
My mother told me not to waste my time and money in that way.

g. What are you doing nows.
... Answer:
My father asked me what I was doing then.

Writing (News Story Writing)
1. Prepare a news report on the basis of the following clues.
9 Injured in a Road Mishap
- passenger jeep fell down
- 9 injured
- taken to district hospital
- others went home
9 injured in road mishap
By Suresh Thapa
Pokhara, 14 July
9 people were injured when a passenger jeep fell about 20 meter down the road near Pokhara yesterday evening.

A passenger jeep was heading to Pokhara from Baglung with 15 passengers. At the bend, the jeep slipped and fell about 20 meters down the road. 9 passengers including jeep driver and helper were seriously injured and taken to district hospital for treatment. Other passengers who were found to have been with minor injury went home after general treatment.

It was reported that the driver was not so experienced and couldn’t control the vehicle as it slipped. The police investigation is underway.

