Thursday, November 26, 2020

NEB Grade XI Compulsory English Note | Language Development | Unit- 8 A Few Kind Words for Superstition (Part 1)


NEB Grade XI Compulsory English Note | Language Development | Unit- 8  A Few Kind Words for Superstition (Part 1)

Humour and Satire

A Few Kind Words for Superstition

Ways with words

A. Match the following.

  1. transcendental - iv. spiritual, nonphysical or mystical
  2. deplore - i. to feel or express strong disapproval of (something)
  3. absolve- vi. set free from blame, guilt, or responsibility; release
  4. juju- ii. a charm or fetish used by some West African people
  5. crude- iii. natural state
  6. chronicle- v. a written record of historical events

B. Find the contextual meanings of the following words from the text and then use them in sentences of your own.

a. condemn
to express disapproval – He has publicly condemned the deal.

b. terror
a feeling of extreme fear – People fled from the explosion in terror.

c. unbidden
without being asked, invited or expected- She walked into the room unbidden.

d. persist
to continue to exist- Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.

e. devout
having or showing strong religious feeling/ religious- One of my friends is a devout Muslim.

f. banish
to make somebody/something go away – The sight of food banished all other thoughts from my mind.

g. creed
a system of principles or religious beliefs- We welcome people of all races, colors and creeds.

h. hasten
to make something happen more quickly - The treatment she received may have hastened her death.

i. sober
serious and sensible- We need to make a calm, sober assessment of the situation.

j. scorn
to feel or show that you think somebody/something is stupid and you do not respect them or it- My sister scorned my view as old-fashioned.

k. yearning
a strong and emotional desire- They had a deep yearning for their homeland.

l. aloof
not friendly/ disinterested in other people- She stayed aloof while the argument went on around her.

m. swarthy
having dark skin- My friend is skinny, with a swarthy complexion.

n. humbler
He served at the pleasure of a humbler master.


Answer these questions.

a. According to the author, what are the four types of superstition?
According to the author, the four types of superstition are Vain Observances, Divination, Idolatry and Improper Worship of the True God.

b. Which language is the word 'superstition' derived from? What does it mean?
The word 'superstition' is derived from the Latin supersisto. It means to stand in terror of the Deity.

c. How do psychologists understand superstition?
Psychologists understand superstition as a compulsion that neurosis does not banish.

d. How does superstition differ from religion?
Superstition is a belief in the magical and supernatural powers that are mostly based on myths or pseudo confusing expectations, whereas religion is an integrated system of beliefs in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief. (Answer may vary.)

e. What is the belief of some people in the Middle Europe about sneezing?
Some people of Middle Europe believe that when a man sneezes, his soul, for that moment, is absent from his body, and they hasten to bless him, lest the soul will be seized by the Devil.

f. In the author’s view, why are people so fascinated about superstition?
In the author’s view, people are so fascinated about superstition because it in general is linked to people’s desire to know their fate, and to have some hand in deciding it.

Go to Part 2

