Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tricky Prepositions

Tricky Prepositions: in vs inside
In: to participate in something / at a point within an area or space
  1. She is in the classroom. (participating in the class)
  2. She is in China. (location)
Inside: Inside is used to say that something is physically enclosed or confined to walls.
  1. A gold watch is inside a box. (physically enclosed)
  2. Your bicycle is inside the room. (confined to walls)
Tricky Prepositions: on vs in
On time: at a designated time
  1. The meeting will start on time. (punctuality)
In time: before designated time
  1. They arrived at the school in time.(early enough)
Tricky Prepositions: into vs through
Into: to a position in or inside something
  1. Come into the house.
  2. She dived into the water.
  3. Raj went into her room.
Through: moving or passing from one side to the other (an opening)
  1. The thief escaped through the window
Tricky Prepositions: along vs across 
along: expressing movement in a constant direction on a more or less horizontal surface
  1. I am walking along the road.
across: movement to the other side of a flat area
  1. He walked across the field.
  2. My brother went across the river.
Tricky Prepositions: to vs towards 
To: in the direction of certain destination
  1. We drove to Kathmandu.
  2. He is going to school.
Towards: in the direction of destination which is not certain
  1. They are going towards market.
  2. We were heading towards the City Center.
Tricky Prepositions: above vs over
Above: in the higher position (horizontally) / more than something/ too good or too honest to do something
  1. The bird is flying above the house.
  2. Temperatures are above average.
Over: vertically higher position /resting on the surface of somebody/something and partly or completely covering them/it
  1. She put a blanket over the sleeping child.
Tricky Prepositions: under vs below 
Under: in, to or through a position that is below something/less than/ younger than/ who or what controls, governs somebody or something/ experiencing a particular process/ affected by something
  1. She placed the ladder under the window.
  2. An annual income of under Rs. 100000 is not sufficient for survival.
  3. The hotel is still under construction.
Below: at or to a lower level or position /of a lower amount, standard or rank
  1. He dived below the surface of water.
  2. Skirts will be worn below the knee.
  3. The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
  4. A police sergeant is below an inspector.
Tricky Prepositions: for vs since 
For: period of time (length of time)
  1. I have played football for three hours.
  2. She was in Pokhara for two years.
Since: point of time (to show how long something started in past goes up
  1. He has been living here since March.
  2. I’ve known them since last year.
Tricky Prepositions: by vs until
By: point of time (achievement)
  1. She painted the ceiling by 2 0’clock.
  2. I wrote all my letters by lunch time.
Until: point of time (activity)
  1. We played golf until dusk.
  2. She did some piano practice until lunchtime.
Tricky Prepositions: in vs for
In: period of time (achievement)
  1. We had to change the wheel in five minutes.
  2. I read the whole War and Peace in five minutes.
For: period of time (activity)
  1. She waited at the bus stop for ages.
  2. They talked on the phone for 20 minutes.


  1. Ricky prepositions can be challenge for language learners, but they are crucial for mastering accurate and effective communication. What Is My Ip Address Educators and resources that provide guidance and practice opportunities to navigate these intricacies of language with confidence.

