Thursday, August 1, 2019

Unit- 7 (Giving Instructions and Describing Purpose)- IX

Unit- 7 (Giving Instructions and Describing Purpose)- IX 
Study Note
Unit- 7
Giving Instructions and Describing Purpose
I.       Email
Rearrange the following instructions.
a.    … Open a web browser. Write in the address bar
b.    … Now, you will get a window to fill up your details.
c.    … Click on “Create an account”.
d.    … Fill in all the details.
e.    … After filling in all the details, click on “Next step” button.
f.     … After the next step, it will ask for phone number for verification. Enter your cell phone number and click on “Next step” button and you will get your inbox.
g.    … Your ID is almost created. There is an option for uploading your image.
h.    … Click on next.
Read the text again, and answer these questions.
     i.        What is email?
Ans- Email generally refers to a method of exchanging digital messages from a sender to one or more recipients.
    ii.        When did people start using email?
Ans- People started using email from 1993.
   iii.        Write down the role of email in communication.
Ans- Email plays a vital role in communication as it helps in sending and receiving information.  Email servers accept, forward, deliver, and store messages.
   iv.        List all the software platforms mentioned in the text.
Ans- The software platforms mentioned in the text are Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail and Outlook.
    v.        What is needed to send and receive email?
Ans- Server is needed to send and receive email.
II. Some Useful Gadgets and Implements
Read and Match.
Match the words their definitions under column.
a.    radiation    - energy from a source that travels through some material or space
b.    serrated     - notched or toothed on the edge
c.    manual        - done, operated, worked, etc., by the hand or hands-
d.    access          - the right or permission to approach or use
e.    essentially   - most certainly, indispensably
f.     device           - a thing made for a particular purpose
g.     shearing      - cutting off
h.    portable   - that is easy to carry or to move
2. Look at the examples and complete the sentences below.
Example: I have got a dishwasher so that I can wash my dishes without much labour.
Father brought a set of pliers in order to pull out the nails in the wall.
a.    We purchased a micro wave oven so that we could cook continental dishes.
b.    A cell phone is meant for making and receiving calls.
c.    The carpenter installed an electronic saw so that he can cut wood or other items. 
d.    Screw drivers are used for turning screws.
e.    You need to get a wrench to twist the wire round the pole.
Supply appropriate question tags for the following items:
a.    Anudan never works hard, does he?
b.    Someone has come, haven’t they?
c.    Let him play the music, will you?
d.    Don’t run, will you?
e.    Raj Kishor hardly recognized us, did he?
f.     There was a lot of traffic, wasn’t there?
g.    There are a lot of people, aren’t there?
h.    Let’s have some tea, shall we?
i.     Let the hermit convince the minister, will you?
j.     Let’s wish for his long life, shall we?
k.    No one knows me there, do they?
Instructions for Preparing Tea:
1.      Put a kettle with water on the stove.
2.      Add tea powder or tea leaves into water.
3.      Simmer for a minute or two over a medium flame.
4.      Strain and pour your tea into a cup.
5.      Add sugar to taste. 
6.      Enjoy your tea with or without cookies.
Instructions for Preparing Omelet:
1.    Crack the egg and put it into a bowl.
2.    Beat the egg, salt, pepper and chopped onion until blended.
3.    Put some cooking oil into a frying pan and heat it.
4.    Pour the mixture into the frying pan and leave it for a few minutes.
5.    Use a spatula or fork and flip the omelet to cook the other side, after a minute.
6.    When top surface of the omelet is thickened, make sure that it is well cooked.
7.    Use a fork or spatula to lift onto a plate and serve it immediately.


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  2. Nice 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

  3. Thank you dai for provididing all exercises

  4. Thanks thanks a lot for this a was absent while doing this exersise it had help me a lot thank thanks thanks.........

