Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Grade VIII English Grammar | Set-2

Grade VIII English Grammar | Set-2

Grade VIII English Grammar

English Grammar: Part-1

A. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options.

a. She looks as stupid as ______ owl. (a / an / the / nothing)
... Answer:
She looks as stupid as an owl.

b. Ramu is interested ______ dancing. (on / for / in / at)
... Answer:
Ramu is interested in dancing.

c. My father works hard in the field ______ he can grow more crops. (in order to / so that /therefore / so....that)
... Answer:
My father works hard in the field so that he can grow more crops.

d. Amit bathes his small daughter ______ .(herself / itself / himself / themselves)
... Answer:
Amit bathes his small daughter himself.

e. Nora got home early, ______ ? (did he / didn't she / does he / doesn't he)
... Answer:
Nora got home early, didn't she?

B. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.

a. Never hate the poor. (into passive)
... Answer:
The poor shouldn't be hated. / Let the poor never be hated.

b. The teacher said, "Water flows downwards." (into indirect speech)
... Answer:
The teacher said that water flows downwards.

c. They drink coffee. (into interrogative)
... Answer:
Do they drink coffee?

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

[is, are, moves, move]

a. The earth ______ round the sun.
... Answer:
The earth moves round the sun.

b. Peter, with his parents ______ present today.
... Answer:
Peter, with his parents is present today.

English Grammar Part-2

A. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options.

a. Andrea is from ______ Norway. (a / an / the / nothing)
... Answer:
Andrea is from X Norway.

b. Samir lives in Baltimore ______ his friends. (with / by / since / about)
... Answer:
Samir lives in Baltimore with his friends.

c. Oasis went to school her illness. (because of / in spite of / although / so that)
... Answer:
Oasis went to school because of her illness.

d. My son did his homework ______ .(herself / itself / himself / myself)
... Answer:
My son did his homework himself .

e. Never laugh at the disabled, ______? (shall you / won't you / will you / shan't we)
... Answer:
Never laugh at the disables, will you?

B. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.

a. Who was the glass broken by? (into active)
... Answer:
Who broke the glass?

b. Bipin inquired what my name was. (into direct speech)
... Answer:
Bipin said, "What is your name?"

c. The window was wide open. She had locked it the night before. (into one sentence joining with 'which')
... Answer:
The window which she had locked the night before was open.

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

[ lives, stopped, had stopped, live]

a. Many a man ______ in the slums.
... Answer:
Many a man lives in the slums.

b. When the driver braked, the bus ______.
... Answer:
When the driver braked, the bus stopped.

