Thursday, July 21, 2022

Class 12 Optional English Note || Summary of Odin's Wisdom (Cost of Wisdom) || Fiction || Short Story

Lesson: 2

Class 12 Optional English Note || Summary of Odin's Wisdom (Cost of Wisdom) || Fiction || Short Story

Odin's Wisdom (Cost of Wisdom)


The story of Odin's Wisdom, also known as the Cost of Wisdom, is a tale from Norse mythology that revolves around the search for wisdom and the concept of sacrifice. The main character, Odin, is known for his sacrifice of an eye in exchange for gaining wisdom. Odin is the eldest of the Gods and father to all Norse gods, including Thor and Baldur. He is often referred to as All-Father, as he is a father figure to other gods like Loki.

Odin travels through Midgard, the World of Men, and makes his way towards Jotunheim, the Land of the Giants, where he meets Vafthrudner, the wisest of the Giants. Vafthrudner challenges Odin to answer his riddles, and if Odin fails, he must forfeit his head. Odin answers all three questions correctly, and it is now his turn to ask Vafthrudner questions. The Giant is unable to answer Odin's questions, but Odin gives up his claim to the Giant's head.

Odin then heads towards Mimir's Well, located under the great root of Ygdrassil. Mimir is the guardian of the Well of Wisdom, and those who drink from it must pay a price. Odin accepts the condition and drinks from the well, gaining clarity of the future and the troubles that will fall upon men and gods. To pay the price of drinking from the well, Odin sacrifices his right eye, which sinks into the deep water.

Despite the terrible pain, Odin endures it without making a sound. His sacrifice is not for personal benefit, but for the well-being of the world. His shining eye serves as a reminder of the price he paid for his wisdom to all who come to the place.

1 comment:

  1. Sir its a really great support for me to teach opt English of grade 12 with your posts. And please post the summaries of the stories and essays of grade 11 opt English as well if possible.

